Full Name
Scott Keller
Speaker Bio
Scott and his family operate a grain farm at New Norway, which is just south of Camrose, Alberta. They have been farming in the area for just over 100 years now. Currently they produce malt barley, wheat, oats, canola, peas and fababeans. Their farm has been in a zero tillage system for over 25 years. In recent years they took their zero-till system one step further and adopted a controlled traffic farming system.
Scott graduated from Olds College with a diploma in agronomy and an applied degree in agriculture. Scott spent the better part of a decade working full-time in Ag-retail as an agronomist, while farming part-time. Then in 2013, Scott made the commitment to farm full-time.
Scott graduated from Olds College with a diploma in agronomy and an applied degree in agriculture. Scott spent the better part of a decade working full-time in Ag-retail as an agronomist, while farming part-time. Then in 2013, Scott made the commitment to farm full-time.
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